Obituary Richard Latimer Clouser Pittsburg Pennsylvania

Image of Richard Latimer Clouser Pittsburg Pennsylvania


Richard L. Clouser passed away on March 9,2022. Richard was born in Altoona on September 9, 1940. He was the son of Glen E and Eleanor L (Shellenberger) Clouser. He had one sister, Beverly A. (Clouser) Webster. They all preceded him in death. Richard is survived by his 2 children: Michael R Clouser of Edinburgh, Scotland and Amy L. Clouser of Bowling Green, Florida, USA. He also has two grandchildren, Matisse M. Clouser of Orlando, Florida, and Maxim M. Clouser of Ithaca, New York.

Nephews of Richard´s living are Jeffrey C. Webster of Altoona, PA, Stephen J. Webster of Altoona, PA, Gregory Webster of Mechanicsburg, PA. Deceased is Richard´s Nephew David G. Webster of Altoona, PA.

Richard was a graduate of Altoona High School in 1958 and Penn State University in 1962 with a major in accounting. He was a member of the 57-58 Mountain Lion basketball team that advanced to the State Final.

  • Richard Latimer Clouser's Date of Birth: 04-Sep-1940.
  • Richard Latimer Clouser's Residence of Birth: Altoona, Pennsylvania.
  • Richard Latimer Clouser's Date of Passing: 09-Mar-2022.
  • Richard Latimer Clouser's Residence at Passing: Pittsburg Pennsylvania.

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