Obituary Gabriella Susan Harris Cleveland Ohio

Image of Gabriella Susan Harris Cleveland Ohio


On the date of 19-Jul-2022, Gabriella Susan Harris passed on. Gabriella Susan Harris was born on 20-Jan-1999 in Warren, Ohio Eventually, Gabriella Susan Harris moved to Cleveland Ohio which was Gabriella Susan Harris's final resting place.

Let us pray that GOD has reserved some place special for Gabriella Susan.

From the Friends and Family of Gabriella Susan Harris

A soul that WILL be missed.

Gabriella Harris's relatives loss was completely unexpected and the family is shocked and deeply saddened.

Gabriella was birthed in January 20, 1999 at St. Joseph Warren Hospital to her parents Avelina and John Harris. Gabby attended Howland High School and was passionate about biology. After graduating high school, Gabby moved herself to the Cleveland area.

Most recently Gabby worked as a cashier at Raising Canes Chicken Fingers Working more than forty hours a week.

Anyone who knew Gabby, knew she was a kind, loving soul who put others well being before herself. Gabby's friends and family will miss her more than any words could say. The beauty of Gabriella's soul was reflected in her outer beauty.

  • Gabriella Susan Harris's Date of Birth: 20-Jan-1999.
  • Gabriella Susan Harris's Residence of Birth: Warren, Ohio.
  • Gabriella Susan Harris's Date of Passing: 19-Jul-2022.
  • Gabriella Susan Harris's Residence at Passing: Cleveland Ohio.

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